Preparation of Fe Dopped BiOBr Using Different Bromine Source and Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity
投稿时间:2013-10-10  修订日期:2013-11-11
中文关键词:  Fe  掺杂  BiOBr  光催化
英文关键词:Fe  dope  BiOBr  photocatalysis
李新玉 三峡大学 chem_ctgu@126.com 
方艳芬 三峡大学 chem_ctgu@126.com 
熊世威 三峡大学 chem_ctgu@126.com 
贾漫柯 三峡大学 chem_ctgu@126.com 
马万红 三峡大学 chem_ctgu@126.com 
黄应平* 三峡大学 chem_ctgu@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 1994
全文下载次数: 4309
      采用不同溴源制备铁改性溴氧化铋(Fe-BiOBr)并结合X-射线衍射、X射线光电子能谱、扫描电镜、紫外可见漫反射和荧光分光光度计对催化剂进行表征。发现以NaBr作溴源能成功得到Fe掺杂BiOBr,Fe进入BiOBr晶格内部形成了Bi-O-Fe或Br-O-Fe键,Fe含量约为0.20(Fe与Bi原子比),禁带宽度为1.92 eV。相同制备条件下以CTAB为溴源只能得到单纯的BiOBr,禁带宽度为2.78 eV,按其含Fe量将两种溴源制备的BiOBr分别命名为Fe0.2-BiOBr和Fe0-BiOBr。在可见光下(λ≥420 nm)降解罗丹明B发现Fe0.2-BiOBr具有更优越的可见光活性。结合电子自旋共振及自由基捕获等实验,推测Fe 3d轨道参与了BiOBr的价带和导带形成,使其禁带宽度减少,电子空穴复合率降低,其光催化氧化机理主要涉及超氧自由基(O2??)。
      Fe dopped BiOBr was synthesized via a facile hydrothermal method, where using Sodium Bromide(NaBr) and Cetrimonium Bromide(CTAB) as the raw materials. All the samples were characterized by using various methods including X-ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscopy, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectra and Fluorescence spectrophotometer, respectively. The result showed that in the same preparation conditions, Fe doped BiOBr could be gained when NaBr was used as bromine source, Fe entered into BiOBr crystal lattice and formed the new bounds of Bi-O-Fe or Br-O-Fe, iron content was approximately 0.20 by EDS, the band gap was 1.92 eV. PL analysis showed that Fe doped BiOBr helps reduce recombination rate of photoproduction hole and photoproduction electronic. However, we got merely pure BiOBr when CTAB was used as bromine source, XPS and EDS detection of ferric content of only 0.07, the band gap was 2.78 eV. Samples were named F0.2-BiOBr and Fe0-BiOBr according to the content of Fe. It was indicated that Fe0.2-BiOBr(k=0.109 min-1) had the better photocatalytical activity than Fe0-BiOBr(k=0.055 min-1)under visible light(λ≥420 nm)degradation of Rhodamine B(RhB). The samples were proved to be an efficient and relatively stable photocatalyst under six recycling experiments. It was indicated that the visible-light photocatalytic activity of Fe0.2-BiOBr was attributed by both crystal lattice iron and surface iron oxides by the Electron spin resonance results and free radical scavenging experiments. Fe 3d orbitals was involved the formation of valence band(VB) and conduction band(CB) of Fe-BiOBr and superoxide radical(O2??) acted as the main reactive oxygen species.
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