The study of photoelectric chemical oxidation of water by nickel-modified WO3 film
投稿时间:2014-06-04  修订日期:2014-06-12
中文关键词:  光电分解水  WO3  镍修饰  复合电极  
英文关键词:photoelectric water spitting  tungsten trioxide  nickel modified  composite electrode
吕功煊* 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 gxlu@licp.cas.cn 
李振 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 gxlu@lzb.ac.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1951
全文下载次数: 3074
      本文在强碱性溶液中低电压低电流条件下在W基底上经阳极氧化得到致密WO3层,而后在酸性条件下在WO3表面经光辅助电化学还原沉积镍,所获得的复合电极具有优异的光电化学氧化水的活性和稳定性。SEM, EDX, XPS和TEM等表征表明复合电极中具有体心立方结构的W基底经阳极氧化形成了具有单斜结构的WO3层,表面修饰的镍物种以Ni(OH)2形式存在。光电化学实验表明WO3层对可见光具有良好的光响应,表面修饰镍后,光电氧化水的起始电位显著降低,电极的稳定性也得以提高。
      Dense film of tungsten trioxide was formed by the anodizing at low voltage and low current in strong alkali solution, and then nickel was deposited on the tungsten trioxide by light assisted electrochemical deposition in acidic solution. The electrodes were characterized by SEM, EDX, XPS, TEM technologies. The results showed that body-centered cubic structural tungsten substance changed into monoclinic structural tungsten trioxide, and nickel was existed in the form of Ni(OH)2. Electrochemical tests indicated that the tungsten trioxide enhanced the absorption of electrode to visible light obviously and led to initial potential migrating to the positive direction with the extension of oxidation time. Deposited nickel could not only reduce the potential of water oxidation over the electrode surface, but could also protect the film of tungsten trioxide from photo-corrosion. Moreover, Ni showed very weak effect on composite electrode light absorption.
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