The Catalytic Performance of Cobalt Tetra(4-nitrophonyl) Metalloporphyrin Supported on Zinc Oxide in Cyclohexane Oxidation
投稿时间:2016-01-14  修订日期:2016-02-23
中文关键词:  四(4-硝基苯基)钴卟啉  氧化锌  氧化  催化剂  环己烷
英文关键词:cobalt tetra(4-nitrophonyl)metalloporphyrin  zinc oxide  oxidation  catalyst  cyclohexane.
冯泽 湘潭大学 fz276310095@163.com 
颉雨佳 湖南工业大学 waixieyujia@163.com 
郝芳 湘潭大学 haofang.happy@163.com 
刘平乐* 湘潭大学 liupingle@xtu.edu.cn 
罗和安 湘潭大学 hluo@ xtu.edu.cn 
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      将四(4-硝基苯基)钴卟啉(Co-TNPP)负载在氧化锌(ZnO)载体制备负载型金属卟啉催化剂Co-TNPP/ZnO,并对其进行了紫外-可见漫反射光谱(UV–vis),红外光谱(FT-IR),X射线衍射(XRD),热重分析(TG/DTG),比表面分析(BET)和电感耦合等离子体(ICP)表征。考察了催化剂在无溶剂的条件下催化氧气氧化环己烷的性能。实验结果表明:在反应温度为150 ?C,氧气压力为1.2 MPa,反应时间为2.0 h的条件下,环己烷转化率9.82%,环己醇和环己酮选择性83.37%。负载型金属卟啉催化剂经过5次循环使用,环己烷的平均转化率和环己醇、环己酮平均选择性分别为9.95%、83.61%,催化剂的平均转化数为2.18 x105。负载型金属卟啉催化剂Co-TNPP/ZnO在较温和的条件下表现出优良的环己烷催化氧化性能,克服了金属卟啉催化剂难以回收、无法循环使用的缺点,具有很好的工业价值和应用前景。
      Co-TNPP/ZnO catalyst was prepared by loading cobalt tetra(4-nitrophonyl) metalloporphyrin (Co-TNPP) on zinc oxide(ZnO). The catalyst was characterized by UV–vis, FT-IR, XRD, TG/DTG, BET and ICP. The catalytic performance was investigated in cyclohexane oxidation without solvent. The results show that the cyclohexane conversion is 9.82% and the select ivity to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone is 83.37% at the reaction temperature of 150 癈, oxygen pressure of 1.2 MPa and reaction time of 2.0 h; Moreover, after recycle 5 times, the average conversion of cyclohexane is 9.95%, the selectivity to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone is 83.61% and the average catalytic turnover number reaches to 2.18 x105. Co-TNPP/ZnO shows better catalytic performance under mild reaction conditons and it overcomes the defect that metal porphyrins is difficult to recover and recycle. It presents high commercial value and application prospect.
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