Adsorbed CH_3OH,C_2H_4 on Ordered and Defected Nb_2O_5 Surface
中文关键词:  氧化铌 催化剂 甲醇 吸附 乙烯 氧空穴
英文关键词:Epitaxial growth,Model surface of Nb2O5, CH3OH adsorption,C2H4 adsorption,Oxygen vacancies.,
谢磊  王德峥
摘要点击次数: 821
全文下载次数: 20
      Metal oxides are useful catalytic materials but are not well understood because of scarcity of fundamental studies, They are rarely available as single crystals and their insulator nature causes charging problems when electrons or ions are used as probes.We report the use of a technique to overcome these problems by an epitaxial growth onto a dissimilar metal to study the surface chemistry of niobium oxide. Adsorptive behavior with the adsorbed species of CH3OH and C2H4 was characterized by UPS and HREELS in UHV.The results show that their adsorption modes on ordered Nb2O5 are very different from that on defect Nb2O5 with oxygen vacancies.This suggests that oxygen vacancies play an important role in adsorption.
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