Study of Coexistence of Carbon and Oxygen on Ploycrystalline Rhodium Surface
中文关键词:  多晶铑 表面碳 表面氧 铑 碳 氧共存体系
英文关键词:Polycrystalline rhodium,Surface carbon,Surface oxygen,AES,UPS.
魏绪明  吴凯
摘要点击次数: 709
全文下载次数: 26
      Coexisted carbon and oxygen on polycrystalline rhodium surface and CO,O_2,ethylene adsorbed on it had been studied by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy(UPS)and Auger electron spectroscopy(AES).It was found that there was interaction of carbon and oxygen coexisted on rhodium surface. Because of surface oxygen,adsorbates, such as CO,O_2,.ethylene could be adsorbed on the site occupied by carbon,and surface carbon could not block the adsorption site as the surface was modified only by carbon. Adsorption of O_2 resulted surface carbon decrease.Adsorption of CO made the surface oxygen increase but the surface carbon content invariant.When surface carbon content C/ Rh<0.05,ethylene adsorbed on both of carbon site and rhodium site. When surface carbon content C/Rh>0.05,ethylene adsorbed only on carbon site. Carbon and oxygen coexisted on rhodium surface had oxidation,it could oxidize the adsorbed ethylene.
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